2024 Retreat, May 31-June 2

2024 Retreat, May 31-June 2

This year we are blessed to have Melody Mason, author of Daring to Ask for More and Daring to Live by Every Word, as our keynote speaker. She currently helps coordinate the General Conference's new "Back to the Alter" Discipleship training. She also helps with resource development for the Revival and Reformations initiatives for the world church.

Our theme this year is "Daring to Ask for More" and we will focus on moving from surviving women of God to thriving women of God. Melody will talk about what it means to walk in a daily abiding relationship with Jesus, how to experience daily lasting revival and how to be effective witnesses to those around you! Tired, weary, just getting by, or longing for more in your walk with Jesus? Come, join us & dare to ask for more!

Have Any Question?

Let us know your doubts and we'll answer them as soon as possible.